Categories - Kategóriák

Contracting and User Agreement

In case you would like to become and active user and customer of our website, please read our contractual terms carefully and make sure that you agree with all of our policies, because this User Agreement is effective upon acceptance for users who accept it through registration of an account. The present document will not be filed and it will be contracted electronically, will not be trackable later and does not refer to a code of conduct. If you have any questions regarding the operation of the webshop, order and shipping processes, please contact us.

Owner and operator information:


    Company name: Fábián-Szabó Dóra e.v.
    Location: H-6723 Szeged Űrhajós u. 11/b
    Tax number: 79411480-1-26
    Registry court, registration office: Csongrád Megyei Kormányhivatal Szeged Járási Hivatala
    Language of contract: Hungarian/English

Range of products and services

The products of the site can be cathegorized according to the following types: aluminium rings for slings, woven wraps.
The prices of the products include the VAT but they do not include the costs of delivery. We do not apply boxing fees.

Ordering information

You can make a purchase without having an account, but if next time you only want to add the items to your cart and join our loyalty program, it is practical to create an account.

Order processing

Our Customer Service sends a confirmation e-mail about the exact time of the fulfilment of the order. The general fulfilment deadline is the next working day calculated from the time of the confirmation. Images and photographs on the website do not necessarily correspond to reality, they may not reflect the appearance of the final product because in some cases they only function as illustrations.
Our company has no control over and does not take responsibility for the possible unexpected and unheralded changes of technical guides caused by suppliers or conditions beyond them. We preserve the right to reject the fulfilment of orders that have already been confirmed partially or completely. Partially fulfilment of orders can only take place after discussing it with the customer. In case of advanced payment the price will be refunded to the customer.

Steps of ordering

1. Add the items you wish to buy to your bag.
2.If you don’t want to buy anything else, please check the number of items you would like to purchase. By clicking on the ’Remove’option you can remove items from your bag. After giving the quantity, the content of the bag will be adjusted automatically.
3. Please give the delivery and billing data, user name and password. If you have already registered, you can sign in. Making an order doesn’t require registration.
4. Choosing the type of delivery.
5. Choosing payment method.
6. After giving the required data you can place your order by clicking on the option ’Place order’ but before that you can check the details again or make a note as well.
7. After placing your order you get a confirmation e-mail automatically.
*You can place an order without registration! If you would like to make an account, you will be able to sign in as a registered customer in the future and you can place an order without giving delivery and billing options. It is important to give the data correctly because delivery and billing is processed according to the given information. You need to register only once. 

Possible payment methods

You can pay for your order through the PayPal or bank transfer. In case of bank transfer, we can accept it if the total amount of money arrives to our account. In case of PayPal payment, we can accept it if we get notified by these websites about the purchase – as this system is online, it only takes some minutes actually

We send a confirmation e-mail about each order we get in our webshop. The total cost includes the price of every item based on the confirmation e-mail. The invoice is included in the package.

Delivery information

The products of  are delivered in Hungary by MPL courier service and internationally by Magyar Posta (Hungarian Post).

Standard delivery takes 2 working days, express delivery takes 1 working day in Hungary. If we can only deliver the order in a way which is different from the above mentioned methods, we send a notification e-mail or contact the customer by telephone in each case. You can get a detailed description of the stock of available products and expected delivery times at our website’s product information sections.
We do everything we can to deliver the orders as soon as possible.
Customers have to make sure when they get their orders that the items are intact. After that they have to sign the release form. does not provide compensation for possibble delivery delays.

Shipping costs

You can get detailed information about shipping costs here.
Shipping costs of items not received or returned should be borne by the customer. We will be able to ship these items again if they will be paid in advance by the customer.

Right of withdrawal

Based on the Government Decree No 17/1999 (II. 5.) on contracts between distant parties, customers can return the products in 14 days without specifying any reason. The costs of returning the products shall be borne by the customer. Szabó Mihályné e.v. can demand a refund for financial damages caused by improper use. The contractor immidiately reimburses the amount paid after the product is returned or no later than 30 days of the date of receipt.